5 Innovative Companies Revamping Recruitment with AI Technology

Revolutionize Your Hiring Process: Discover the Top 5 AI-powered Companies Changing the Face of Recruitment Today!

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Artificial intelligence (AI) technology has been a game changer for businesses looking to improve their recruitment processes. By implementing AI into recruitment, companies can streamline the hiring process, reduce bias, and get better candidates. Here are five companies leading the way in AI-powered recruitment:


Google is one of the most well-known companies to use AI for recruitment. The company utilizes an AI-powered tool called Hire, which automates the hiring process by integrating with other Google tools like Calendar and Gmail. Hire can help recruiters reduce the time they spend on scheduling interviews, gathering feedback, and communicating with candidates, ultimately making the hiring process more seamless for both the recruiter and the candidate. In addition, Google has implemented machine learning to help analyze resumes, identifying key phrases and qualifications that match job requirements. This helps recruiters quickly evaluate resumes and move along qualified candidates.

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Hilton Worldwide Holdings Inc. is one of the many businesses that has been impacted by the COVID-19 pandemic. The company was forced to furlough a great number of their employees, but the need for a seamless recruitment process persisted. In response, they invested in an AI chatbot called "Carla," created by AllyO. Carla engages with job seekers, answering their queries about open positions and sharing company information. The chatbot can also schedule interviews on behalf of recruiters, which frees up time for them to focus on other recruitment-related tasks. The efficiency of Carla is evident in the results as the company reported 91% candidate satisfaction and a 50% reduction in drop-offs from job applications.

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Unilever, a global consumer goods company, has incorporated AI in their recruitment process by using HireVue to carry out pre-recorded video interviews. In this process, job candidates answer set questions on camera, and their recorded answers are then analyzed by an AI system that uses different metrics to score the answers. The candidates are then shortlisted based on the scores, making the selection process faster and more efficient. The insight derived from HireVue’s AI technology analysis of facial expressions, tone, and word choices helps recruiters determine the candidate’s personality, emotional intelligence, and communication skills.

Mya Systems

Mya Systems has built an AI recruiter named Mya, which helps companies screening candidates. Rather than having to review dozens of resumes per day, Mya takes on the task of sifting through resumes for recruiters. Candidates receive personalized communications from Mya, asking them relevant screening questions. The AI powered recruiter can then determine which candidates are the best qualified, shortlisting them for recruiters to review further. Mya is designed to be user-friendly and conversational, mimicking the experience potential employees might experience with a human recruiter.


PwC, one of the world's largest accounting firms, has implemented an AI tool, called the Smart Interview Simulator, to assess candidates' interviews skills. The simulator allows candidates to take part in a virtual interview with a computer-generated interviewer and provides a scorecard that measures the candidate's communication skills, tone, body language, and overall performance. The simulation incorporates natural language processing and machine learning models in its analysis of the candidate’s behavior and engagements. The tool allows candidates to assess their performance and improve their interview skills over time.

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The use of AI technology has impacted businesses in many productive ways. These five companies are improving their recruitment processes by automating tedious tasks, utilizing predictive analytics to score CVs and video interviews, and increasing efficiency. AI recruitment tools are helping save valuable time and resources, while also producing more humanized candidate experiences. Texta.ai is leading the way in quality content generation for all businesses. Our content is researched and verified to always be high-quality, and provide businesses with the best value. Try out our free trial to see what we can do for your company today!

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